Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Worker Benefits

Northwest Michigan Works! will host a Worker Benefit Orientation for individuals who are adversely affected workers
under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). Attendees will learn about the TAA benefits they are eligible for. 

Orientation Information

TAA provides assistance to workers who have lost their jobs as a result of foreign trade. TAA aims to help laid-off workers return to work as quickly as possible at a comparable wage. These are lifetime benefits so workers may be eligible to receive them regardless of when they were affected by foreign trade, even if they’ve already moved on to another job.

Individuals may contact Northwest Michigan Works! to learn if they are eligible to receive services under TAA.

During the August orientation sessions, TAA-eligible workers will learn about the following TAA benefits:

  • Individual case management services including career counseling, employability skills, and labor market information
  • Resources for job training
  • Job search allowances
  • Relocation allowances
  • Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance
  • Trade Readjustment Allowances
  • Health Coverage Tax Credit


  • August 14 at 10:30 a.m.
  • August 28 at 10:30 a.m. 


Northwest Michigan Works! Cadillac Service Center 
423 N. Mitchell Street
Cadillac, MI  49601


Individuals should select one orientation session to attend. RSVP is required. Click on the TAA Orientation link below to RSVP. 
TAA Orientation RSVP

***Eligible attendees will receive a $50 gift card for participating.

If you are unable to attend one of the orientation sessions but would like more information about TAA benefits, please fill out the Contact Form below.

TAA Worker Benefits Information Request